Man hit by train in Metro station

Century Garden, Shanghai上海 世纪公园

上海 世纪公园

A male was severely harmed this afternoon after he fell off a height of a Metro Line 3 hire upon Chifeng Road as well as was strike by a coming train. The male in his 50s had his left leg crushed by wheels as well as was strike in a head. He needed an evident operation of amputation, doctors during a Changhai Hospital said. Metro police pronounced no a single had any physique hit with a male before his tumble as well as they have been investigating a cause. The collision happened during 12:15pm, pronounced a cleaner upon a platform. She pronounced a man, short as well as slim, jumped off a height when a train was pulling in to a station. Some passengers attempted to drag him up but failed. When he was lifted out of a rail tunnel, he had roughly lost a single leg, a cleaner said. The operation of Line 3 returned to normal in 15 minutes, officials said.


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