'Fainting' protest man wins his wages
A FOREIGN bag-making association yesterday settled a salary dispute with around twenty displaced person workers from Guangdong Province, after a man appeared to gloomy with craving while protesting about wages. Chen Shixiao, from Dongguan in Guangdong, collapsed in front of Norway-based ITP Group's canteen in a Pudong New Area upon Monday afternoon. The incident attracted media coverage as well as Chen claimed which he as well as associate workers had usually eaten a bowl of present noodles since last Sunday as they had no money. However, a comparison central of ITP Group told Shanghai Daily which a workman had simulated to gloomy to seek open sympathy. Chen pronounced he was regenerated by medics at a Zhoupu Town People's Hospital in a Pudong New Area. He pronounced a group came to Shanghai upon December 1 to work for a company. But when workers launched a set upon last Friday over a wage dispute, ITP Group demanded behind their canteen cards, claiming which they indispensable them to feed other staff who were still working. "The association attempted to make use of craving to draw towards us down," pronounced another worker, surnamed Yin. He claimed all a workers had left inspired as well as which Chen fainted in a end. But an central of a company, who asked not to be named, told Shanghai Daily which a association had since them about 100 yuan (US$15)living expenses any when they came to work for them. Moreover, a central pronounced a workers were spotted dining at a grill after a association took behind their dining cards. But a association paid up as well as a workers left after any receiving 1,300 yuan.