City warned of slippery roads after snow

Ice is expected to cover Shanghai's streets tomorrow sunrise with the continuing snow as well as low temperature, weathermen said, reminding drivers to be careful. A yellow road-icing alert, lowest of the three-level system, was released by the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau during 2:30pm currently warning which ice would probably start city traffic in the next twelve hours. The snow is foresee to go on compartment midnight as well as the accumulation would reach three centimeters in partial of the city, the business said. The winter's first snow began to tumble on the city this sunrise as well as the temperatures have been plunging. At about 10:26 am, snow first appeared in the city's suburban Jinshan District, then spread to Songjiang as well as Qingpu districts as well as reached downtown prior to noon. The snowfall should go on this afternoon, the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau said. The business released the blue cold-wave alert yesterday during 5am today. The heat recorded during 12:30 pm was 2.2 degrees Celsius as well as today's tall is around 5 degrees Celsius. The low tomorrow as well as Friday could reach reduction 2 grade with ice as well as even reduce in the suburbs, the business warned. Gale winds during 38kph to 61kph should go on today. Urban residents have been warned against descending objects.


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