Lost at home

Can something be more crystal clear? I don't think so!

One thing that amazed me in Sweden was how badly equipped Stockholm city is for foreigners! All signs are in Swedish and thats not always easy to understand. Like, how is a non-Swedish-spoken person going to understand that utgng means exit?! Im so used to China where there are signs for a lot of things in both Chinese/English, and sometimes even pictures.

Fortunately Swedes are pretty nice if you ask them for directions if you are a foreigner. If youre a Swede asking the wrong kind of Swede though naaaah, not so much! So, sometimes when Im in Sweden and get lost I ask people for directions in English. Works like a charm!

Speaking of getting lost, I have to admit that I feel kind of lost when I am in Sweden. For instance, I never know how to order food in restaurants. Youre supposed to sit there and wait, and then discreetly give the waiter a meaningful look that says yes, Id like to order now! and then the waiter is supposed to come up to your table and take your order? But what if the waiter never looks your way? Then you have to sit there and look hungry and meaningful for an hour because god forbid, you cannot put your hand in the air!

I have to say I prefer the Chinese way where you can call for the waiter or simply make a small wave without it being considered a rude gesture.


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