27-vehicle pile up as Shanghai hit by fog, 3 dead
Yesterday morning at around 7am a massive pile up occurred on the Donghai Bridge connecting Shanghai to the port of Yangshan. Three people were killed and another 15 injured when a chain collision involving 27 vehicles resulted from Shanghai's worst fog in six months.
Visibility at the time of the accident was said to be less than 100 meters. Traffic resulting from the collisions eventually stretched for nearly 30 kilometers back towards Shanghai, and initially caused delays as rescue workers rushed to the scene. Helicopters were called in, but were ultimately unable to help because of the fog.
Most of the vehicles involved were container trucks. Two truck drivers and a bus driver lost their lives in the accident; the rest of the injured are in stable condition. Shanghai police had reduced speed limits on the highway to 50 km/h in anticipation of the fog the night before.
More fog is expected in the city today and tomorrow. Drive safe!
Photos from Xinmin and Netease.