Man with golden touch

HOW do we get dialect stores to palm over bullion bars value thousands without paying? Sounds similar to mission impossible. But a single male managed it in Shanghai. Police described yesterday how he managed to walk away with 10 bullion bars from four stores in a city regulating fake remuneration receipts. The gold, weighing a sum of 2 kilograms, was value more than 621,000 yuan (US$93,681). A suspect, surnamed Lu, has been detained, military said. On December 25, military said, Lu approached a valuables opposite in a dialect store upon Nanjing Road E., asking to buy a single 300-gram bullion bar as well as dual during 100 grams. Lu afterwards took a emporium slips as well as went toward a cashier, sanctimonious he was going to compensate a bill. A integrate of mins later, he came behind with a printed taking as well as check as well as left a store with a bullion bars in his shoulder bag. By a time a partner realized a check as well as taking were counterfeit, Lu had disappeared, military said. Shortly after that, Lu scammed an additional dual stores upon Nanjing Road in a same way, military said. Earlier, he had additionally taken bullion bars from a store in a Wujiaochang area of Yangpu District, taking a sum haul to 10 bars. Police identified a think after checking notice cameras in a dialect stores as well as upon a Metro. The 33-year-old, from Shandong Province, was additionally spotted upon a video recorded during a city railway station. Lu was found to have arrived by sight from Kunshan in Jiangsu Province as well as had left Shanghai after a crimes. Lu was held during 10am last Friday in north China's Tianjin City. Police pronounced which Lu had confessed to a bullion scam. He told them he had visited a city to go to a Expo in October as well as had paid for an Expo bullion bar during a Nanjing Road dialect store. Lu had noticed which a emporium partner did not check a taking carefully, as well as which gave him a idea for his swindle. Back in Kunshan, he began to prepare fake profits by making! copies of real ones he had obtained in stores. Lu paid close attention to a bullion cost every day to work out a most appropriate time for his crime so which a cost upon a fake profits would match. Lu had additionally delicately planned his route to connect a stores, military said.


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