Get wrapped up for another cold front
SHANGHAI is in for another cold front that will keep the mercury at or below freezing point for four straight days, weatherman said. Starting this Saturday, the city's temperatures should fall again, staying between zero and 4 degrees Celsius, Shanghai Meteorological Bureau forecasted. The lowest reading will be minus 2 degrees on Sunday morning. Weather will be cloudy and stable in the next few days with a little rain on Monday and Tuesday in the suburbs, the bureau said. Today is sunny to cloudy with a high of 6 degrees. Tomorrow will be cloudy to overcast with a low of 2 degrees, the bureau said.
Shanghai Old Town 上海1933老場坊
1893年(光绪十九年),上海工部局在今沙泾路10号建虹口公共屠宰场 1919年8月,英租界工部局在虹口“里虹桥”九龙路附件建宰牛场. 工部局宰牲场自落成就以其规模和先进的生产工艺成为远东地区最大的宰牲场。并几乎垄断了租界甚至沪上绝大多数的鲜肉生产和供应。并通过沙泾港、虹口港出港,沿水路远销周边地区。
現今, 1933 经历了全面的整复工程。修复完工后,它成为了上海重要的地标性建筑。其主楼建筑外方内圆的结构结合了欧洲古典建筑风格与装饰派风格,并运用了美丽的几何图形。建筑内高低错落的坡道与廊桥,形成了光线流动的神奇空间。詳情參見: