Picked this one up from Mark Englehart Evans blog, it’s a randomly cool billboard done by an environmental artist Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung ; the subject? Siddhartha Obama, or to those of you not familiar with Eastern religion, it’s Obama depicted as Buddhism’s founder, and as the cure to the world’s environmental woes. This was discovered in downtown Shanghai, the capitalist mecca of our communist benefactors. Say what you will about China, one thing you can’t say is its standing still. No, this city, and by extension country, is a rapidly expanding fireball chaotically bouncing forward, not necessarily in a straight line, but forward nonetheless. Redefining "left field". Thanks Mark Englehart Evans for the post, @ShanghaiTattoo for the snapshot, and Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung for the inspirational vision of the this environment’s potential great savior, Siddhartha Obama.