Twins successfully separated
Four-month-old conjoined twin girls were successfully separated this afternoon after six hours of surgery at Shanghai Children's Medical Center. The two, nicknamed An An and Xin Xin, meaning safe and relieved in Chinese and carrying the good wishes of their parents, are in a stable condition now. An An and Xin Xin, from Zhejiang Province, were found to be conjoined during a prenatal check-up. Their mother, near 40, kept them under the advice of local doctors who found that the two fetuses were only connected to each other at their liver, and a big chance for successful separation existed. The twins, born on April 20, have been kept under observation since the 18th week of pregnancy with doctors waiting for them to grow to about 10 kilograms so that they are strong enough to receive the surgery. Though they shared one liver and used one pericardium, doctors said they were lucky to have their own hearts.