City hosts summer camp for 330 Russian teenagers

A total of 330 Russian students aged 12 to 16 arrived in Shanghai yesterday to participate in a summer camp as the guests of Chinese President Hu Jintao. Before coming to Shanghai, they spent three days in Beijing and had exchanges with Chinese students there. During their week-long summer camp in Shanghai, they will experience Chinese culture and traditional customs such as dragon boat race and have a variety of activities. Yesterday they visited the China Pavilion in the Expo Park and were impressed by the display. Ivan Vergun, 14, said he was very interested in Chinese history and kung fu. Their trip is the second part of a program that will bring 1,000 Russian teenagers to China in two years. The summer camp reciprocates Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's hosting of 1,500 Chinese students from regions devastated by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake three years ago.


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