Time to pack up and leave

Finally, we have found a new crib! That only took us some 2,5 months or something?! Our current lease expirers in just a few days, so we really left it for the last minute. During our flat hunt, I think we have seen more than 100 flats in at least 4 different district. In the end, we considered everything, and still, it was so hard to find something decent.
Ive never before found it hard to find a flat in Shanghai but this time it was a true struggle. My old real estate agent told me that its because house prices are rocketing and as a result, more people are renting. Not only does this lead to less available places, but also, rents going up. For instance, on our way to see one place in the French Consession, we met some old friends of mine, and while we discussed our flat hunt we realised that we were about to go and have a look at THEIR old place! They had left it some 2 months ago, leasing it for 5500 rmb. Now it was on the market for 8000. Crazy.
During our search we ended up using a bunch of different real estate agents. My old agent (who helped me find the place where we are staying now) got sick of us quite quickly as I refused to settle for some overpriced bulls** meanwhile he kept telling me that there wasnt anything else out there. Now I am glad that I didnt give in. The place that we are moving to is not exactly what we wanted, but pretty close. Its located in Huangpu (or old Luwan, as the two districts have now merged), so for us it will be a completely new area to try, which I think is fun. Weve been living in Xuhui/the French Concession for quite a while now (basically since we moved to China, minus a 6 month stunt in Pudong and 2 years in Suzhou) and Im a bit tired of the whole old lane house style.
Now we just have to ! do the a ctual move too, and then life will be good (gosh, I hate moving?! Where does all this stuff come from?!). Last night when I couldnt sleep because of all the noise outside our window, I couldnt help but smiling. I seriously cannot wait to not having to sleep with double earplugs. One more night and then we are out of here. Hallelujah!