Migrants make up 39% of Shanghai population

SHANGHAI has 8.98 million non-locals staying in the city for over six months, accounting for 39 percent of the city's 23.02 million residents, according to the sixth national census held last November.The population of non-locals, mainly migrant workers, has increased by 159 percent from the 3.46 million in the last census in 2000, the Shanghai Statistics Bureau said today.Though Shanghai has been considered an aging society, the age group between 15 and 64 years old actually increased 4.97 percent compared to that of 10 years ago, while the age group older than 65 decreased by 1.34 percent from the last census.Ren Yuan, professor of Fudan University, said the situation is a result of a large number of migrant workers pouring into the city during the past 10 years and "it helps to deal with the city's large aging population."Shanghai has lowered its threshold for outsiders to apply for hukou, or permanent residency. Ren considered it would help relieve the city of its burden of pension fund as the number of old people keeps increasing.


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